Jun 29, 2020Liked by Lex Sokolin

Your history is incorrect about Accenture. Andersen Consulting split from Arthur A several years before Enron. It became Accenture and a public company. Arthur A was actually competing against Accenture on some consulting mandates before it tanked.

Article is well done overall. Slicing and dicing of functions and services is confusing and will lead to numerous disputes in long run. Regulators are way behind the curve here. Worst is confusing consumers with too many options and setting stage for less savory firms to take advantage. I'm not advocating consolidation, but the lack of financial literacy in US is a big problem. Consumers are paying a price for it, witness travesty of Robinhood. Informed consumers wouldn't have chased it.

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Jun 29, 2020Liked by Lex Sokolin

Really good article thought provoking thanks

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